Friday, December 28, 2012

This Moment AND some fascinating details of Egg life.

What we've  been up to this week...

Staying up way past bedtime
Reading chapter books out loud
Dressing and brushing American girls
Playing Chinese checkers
Catching up on 30 Rock & Downton Abbey with Nate at 3 AM
Sliding in the slushy snow and then drinking hot chocolate
Watching Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (twice so far...)
Eating Christmas leftovers in various creative ways
Planning a special girl's 6th birthday
Coloring in our new coloring books with our new crayons when Nate falls asleep (my favorites are Backyard Nature and Pond Life)
Attempting to catch up on laundry and cleaning
Being excited for Pa (more to come on that...)
Being happy to have my kids home for the whole week and appreciating every minute!

And some bonus pictures...

Checking out Rivka Malka's website and trying out some tichel tying on Pip

Watching Willy Wonka and perfecting a Veruca Salt attitude


  1. I have been catching up on Downton myself... Chris even asked me the other day if I had just answered him in a British accent ~smile~ what can I say.... I get into the characters..

    I would say the Veruca Salt attitude has been NAILED!

    1. We are just as guilty! With both Downton and Willy Wonka getting so much play lately, there have been quite a few bad British accents flying around this house!

  2. I love Downton Abby!!! Next Sunday starts the new season!!! Do spill the beans on Pa! And I am sooooo glad Nate is still wearing the vest!! I was so afraid he'd grow out of it too quickly!!! XO

    1. Jenny has already seen the entire 3rd season! She says that it's already on Netflix since it already aired in England and Cananda! I'll definatley be watching next Sunday. The Pa news is coming soon, as soon as he gives me the green light to spill the beans :) No growing out of the vest yet, and hopefully not soon!
