Saturday, July 28, 2012

I miss my babies....

....but my house has never been cleaner! OMGosh I love a clean house, when it actually happens :)

I'll enjoy it while it lasts :)


  1. Seriously enjoy it... mine never leave and today it is a complete disaster but I'm watching olympics and ignoring it as best as I possibly could when you can't walk without steping or triping over something...

  2. That was definatley me two days ago. I wish you were still just a quick trip away, I could have white tornado-ed that place! They didn't come home until 9 Sunday night! It was just me and the dogs for two whole days. Wild!

  3. Was that your new hbogo on the computer in the background? :)

  4. Ya I think that was season 8 of Curb :)
