Friday, June 8, 2012

Creative Writing at its finest.

THIS is my second grade niece Gianna's award-winning short story!  She's going to read it to the whole school :)  It's GREAT!!!!  Enjoy :)

The Teacher Catastrophe
By Gianna Routhier

     Ring ring ring ring.  I ran into the kitchen to pick up the phone.  It was Seeds for Needs.  “Hello”, said a man with a big, strong voice.  “Would you like to buy some seeds?  You get four seeds for $5.99 or $6.00 as some people would say.”  I decided to buy them and he asked what kind I wanted.  He said they have carnival seeds, seeds to grow pets, or mystery seeds.  “Wow!  Just surprise me”, I said.  “Okay”, said the man and then he asked for my name and address.
     I was so excited when my seeds arrived the next day.  The name on the small, brown package said “Mystery Seeds”.  I was anxious to see what they would grow into so I got out my watering can, shovel, four flowerpots, and some soil.  I planted each seed in a different pot, I watered them, and I put them out so they could get sun.
     The next week when I went outside, I was shocked to see teachers-second grade teachers!  Miss Slie popped out of one pot and Mrs. Florin popped out from another.  Then Mrs. Freddino popped out and Mrs. McAuliffe came out right after.  It was summer vacation and they all started telling me what to do.  Mrs. Florin said to practice math facts, Mrs. McAuliffe said to start reading, Mrs. Freddino said to keep up with my reading journal, and Miss Slie said to write some good stories.  I said to my mom, “We have to do something about this!  We really, really have to do something about this!”
     My mom invited the teachers inside of our house.  I told them that there was a delicious strawberry cake just for them in the closet.  They love their desserts so they ran right in.  I locked the door and hoped they would leave me alone.  Unfortunately, Mrs. Florin had a bobby pin and picked the lock after they finished the cake.  Since that didn’t work, I grabbed the phone and called Seeds for Needs and asked what to do about these crazy teachers.  The man said, “You get what you get and you don’t get upset!”  Boom!  He hung up the phone.
     The next day, I had a great idea.  I booked a trip for four to Hawaii for Mrs. Florin, Mrs. McAuliffe, Mrs. Freddino, and Miss Slie.  I brought them to the airport and as soon as I got there, I told the flight attendants to get those teachers on the plane right away and make sure they stay in Hawaii for the whole summer.  They can come back for the next school year when I actually need their advice.  Next time I get a call from Seeds for Needs, I will get the carnival seeds and see what happens!


  1. This is great!!!!! Good job Gianna!!!

  2. I was so bummed out that no one commented on this post. Thanks for reading Gianna's awesome story!!!!
