Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Alert the media, the baby is sleeping.

Maybe you are wondering why I haven't been blogging much? It's because I have a 7 month old baby that doesn't take naps! I am not kidding. He will take a little cat nap when we stroll around the block, and he may fall asleep in his swing for 10 minutes, but otherwise, this baby is steadfast in his wakefulness! But no man is an island, and today Nate finally hit the sheets and hit 'em hard. He's been asleep now for an hour and a half! So here I am, people (meaning Mom, Sandy, Danna, and Chris, sometimes Jenny ;)! I'm back and I'm blogging!

First things first: Maxwell's baptism! Max is now a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We had a great day. Lots of great people came out to support Max! The Relief Society Room was full! Sister T gave a talk on Baptism and Sister R gave a talk on the Holy Ghost. Pa performed the baptism and the confirmation, and Mommy & friends did a pretty good job of whipping up a little luncheon for everyone afterwards! 

These two are the sweetest missionaries ever! The one on the right has been in the ward now for 7 months! If you want them to drop by, give me a call! But I'm warning you that if you do, you'll probably be the next one to take the plunge!

Went to Mimi's concert at her school. LOVED it. Got there early and had a front row seat! They have a fabulous music teacher that plays the piano, guitar, drums, flute, and harp!!!

It's been hot, and the pool is up!

The "Maria flowers" are out!

Nate would rather hang back with Pa. He goes nuts for his baths so I thought he would dig the pool, but he screams bloody murder if you dip his toes in. This better change, buddy boy! Because Mama likes to dip!

Then there was one night when the sunset was killer!

I went out with Asia to get her nails done for the prom, and while she was getting it done (it took an hour and a half! She gets fancy ones) I went clothes shopping for the kids. Maxwell got the coolest stuff, like this tiki god t-shirt and board shorts! Oh and P.S. Asia went to the prom and she was named Prom Queen!

Also got him this awesome shirt...

On the way to cubs! Yes, I had them take that cute little Nate with them so Pip and I could have a girls' night!

Okay, Nathan. Let's get serious. THIS is what your no-napping kick has done! I'm not going to pretend like it's not happening!  I'm coming out, baby!

Yup, and THIS too. (This is the clean pile, by the way, and I'm not even showing you the other half of the room).

Well, you don't seem that torn up about it, Nate...

Nate is a master cruiser and leaves a trail of sweet potato puffs behind him.

Pa is home early so he can go to Maxwell's Dad's Day Out at his school! Board games, books, and root beer floats! The boys had a great time! Hmm, Pa looks pretty handsome in this shot. A good cooker and a good looker!

Here's Pa making us his famous 'crab rolls' before he scoots over to school!

Now here was a lovely moment when all three precious children were coloring or playing with measuring cups and demanding their mother of nothing.

Thanks Delia for letting me borrow this funky purple baby chair! He sits happily in it for at least 7 minutes!

And finally....
There are no cicadas, folks. 
It was all a rouse. Someone call Fox Molder.
It's all about this sudden onslaught of pigeons of all varieties!!!
What the What?!?!