Friday, January 20, 2012

Proud Mama :)

First, here's me and Pip just getting cozy and lovey!  There's just no one like Pip!

Second, my other babies...
Jilly (and Jeter too, but especially Jill) has really taken a shine to our little foster child, and vise-versa. When she goes to sleep, Jill hops up on her bed and Jeter lays on the floor.  I've lost my night time snuggle buddies, but for a good cause!  I think they can sense that she needs a little extra snuggin'.  I have (okay, maybe Sarah has...) taught them well!  I'm so proud :)  Here's Jill snuggling in our bed, she comes back in eventually :)  Is she not the cutest thing ever???

And third, I have discovered some pictures that Maxwell took with his little camera that he got for Christmas from Mary!  I guess Pa downloaded them and never told me (so unlike Pa!). I found them tonight :)  What do you think?  Should I set him up with a Blogger account?

Pip is a fan of the peek pose.

Blowing a kiss or nose in the air??? With Pip it could easily be either.

Pillow Pet by evening light.

Maxwell captures a dramatic moment for the Scooby Gang.

 Leave it to Maxwell to catch me at my most flattering!

Sunset through the screen :)

 An early morning Pa & Pip snuggle :)

 "Family Night Gramma" on Christmas day.  Yes that's my mom, and no I'm not adopted.  (for those wondering what my father looks like, see the following picture).

 I think we share the same muse...

Still not sure if this is the sky or the computer screen!

Well done Maxwell!  My very special boy who I'm so proud of in every way!!!!!

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